Saturday Stirrings ~ Perdue Oven Ready Chicken Roaster


This week at Saturday Stirrings, I am not sharing a recipe, but sharing a great find I made at the grocery store recently. My family and I love roast chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and the works. The problem is I am not very good at making roast chicken. They either come out under-done or, more likely, over done. For some unknown reason, I can handle a turkey at Thanksgiving, but not a simple little every day chicken.

When I spotted the Perdue Oven Ready Chicken Roaster at my local Shop Rite, I snatched it up and cooked it for dinner that very night and my family thought that Paula Deen had lost her southern accent and moved to Jersey. It is flavorful and moist and makes lots of drippings for gravy.  The Roaster comes in its own roasting bag with all the seasonings inside. All you do is pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees, cut a one inch slit in the roasting bag and cook it in a pan for approximately 90 minutes. It’s that easy. I promise this is not a product review and no one has asked me to write about the Perdue Oven Ready Chicken Roaster. I just tried it for my family and really like it.

And yes, I know it’s cheaper to buy a chicken and stick it in your own bag yourself; and yes, I know that there is probably more sodium in this chicken than the kind that Grandma makes, but you know what?

I don’t care.


Please forgive me.

Here is Mr. Linky for your recipe linking pleasure.  Please link directly to your recipe post and please mention Saturday Stirrings in your post and link back here so others can find new recipes (or ideas as the case may be) to try.

5 thoughts on “Saturday Stirrings ~ Perdue Oven Ready Chicken Roaster

  1. Pam M.

    “my family thought that Paula Deen had lost her southern accent and moved to Jersey.”

    That is CLASSIC, Carol.

    I’ll be looking for that chicken in my Shop Rite. 😀 Thanks for sharing this.

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