I Need A Silent Night by Amy Grant

Merry Christmas! I heard this song for the very first time this year and I loved it so much that I want to share it with you. I hope you have a blessed Christmas and that Jesus truly is the Reason for all we do on December 25th and every day!

Sweet Blessings!

4 thoughts on “I Need A Silent Night by Amy Grant

  1. Pam M.


    Sunday I was looking for some Christmas songs to download to my computer playlist and I came upon this song. I, too, had never heard it before, as much as I love Amy Grant’s music, and I just fell in love with the song. How I can relate to the words and it’s one of those songs that causes me to think about its message afterwards, and it makes me cry (as I’m doing right now while I’m typing this). Thanks for posting this, Carol, and my wish is that everyone who listens to this song will be able to relate and remember what and Whom this season is all about….the birth of our Savior.

    Merry Christmas, my sweet friend!
    Love, Pam

  2. Laurie

    Loved this song, Carol…it’s all so true these days… Makes me wish we had gone to a Christmas Eve service..to end this crazy day…with a silent night! See you tomorow! Love ya, Laurie

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